Monitoring and Evaluation Report of The Ambassadorship Cycle/Scholarship Program in Gulak/Michika – 3rd Day


We went to GDSS Gulak, on arrival we met the beneficiaries already waiting. Although as at the time we arrived the principal was not on seat, we proceeded to evaluate the girls. Nine of the beneficiaries were present and one was absent. We conducted the evaluation based on what the girls were taught and we gave opportunity to tell us the contributions they made to their community. One of our beneficiary, Murna James was writing her WAEC as at the time we were carrying out the evaluation. Before leaving the school, the principal arrived and we had some discussion with him, he also gave us the told us the impact that this program has made in the lives of the beneficiaries in an interview. We followed one the beneficiaries to their home to evaluate her performance from the mother, she commended the effort of the foundation and said that the program has made a tremendous impact in the life of her daughter. The team retired back to michika and held a meeting. The following agenda were discussed in the meeting;

  • Introduction
  • Welcoming of new staffs
  • Mission/vision of MLY-F
  • Role of the matron
  • Planning of activities/timetable for the matron
  • How staffs are paid
  • Questions
  • AOB
  • Closing