Our mission is simple

in Nigeria


The rise of insurgency in North-Eastern Nigeria.

There is certainly an undeniable link between the rise of insurgency in the north-eastern parts of Nigeria and the rising level of girl-child illiteracy in the region. As a result of the increased level of violence in the region, in the past years, many families have been rendered homeless, with little or no access to adequate food and water supply, talk more of proper education.


Northeast Nigeria insurgency has killed almost 350,000.

What we do

How we help

The Leadership coaching programme is designed to help the girls become unique leaders and impact their immediate communities by becoming ambassadors engaged in community welfare tasks and whistleblowing on behalf of out of school girls and girls generally in trauma. They will mentor girls to become unique leaders like themselves.

By the end of the 3 months period, the girls would have gained the necessary skills in Microsoft Packages (Word, Excel & PowerPoint). Having the basic skills is the first step to help them navigate in the ICT world. With their new knowledge, they would also train other girls within their communities.

GAP is designed to train the MLY-F Ambassadors who are majorly rural dwellers. The programme is geared towards making them become contributing members of their society through upscaling subsistence farming and becoming self-reliant to support themselves and their families. The main potential contributions of farming to rural development are to increase employment, ancillary businesses, good source of income and environment services.


Educating and empowering orphan girls who have lost parents due to insurgencies.

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Upcomming events



Education Summit

8:00 am



ICT Training

18:00 pm



Agric Exposition

10:00 am


Stories of Hope

“Hadiza was a victim of insurgency, she was about to drop out of school, but right now she has fresh help since receiving the scholarship from Mariam Ladi Yunusa Foundation. She's elated as she dresses for school. Hadiza's teachers reports her progress with highest scores in class as she receives the grant which has given her a renewed hope of continuing education.”

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